Preschool Bullying Prevention Activities Frоm thе time thаt уоur child іѕ а newborn tо thе years bеfоrе attending preschool, уоu саn pretty muсh gain control оf thе experiences thаt уоur kid іѕ having. It іѕ durіng thеѕе development years thаt уоu mау offer thе best, mоѕt sheltered environment fоr уоur child. But оnсе уоur kid […]
Physical development activities for toddlers Children undergo different phases of development when growing from infants, to toddlers and then teenagers. This phase of childhood comes with lots of fun, plenty entertainment, learning and a whole lot of other adventures. Any child can be a fast learner in a world full of competition and challenges. The
In the most basic form birthdays are the anniversaries of the day when someone was born. For many cultures around de world birthdays are opportunity to celebrate. For instance, by organising a birthday party where friends and family get together and gift presents to the birthday person.
Birthday parties are most popular amongst children. They are an opportunity to socialize and of course to treat everyone with delicious birthday cakes and party food. But there many things about birthday parties not many people know about. On this article we will explore some of the most interesting facts about birthdays.
Goldfish, who have been used in insults about people’s intelligence for generations, now have a longer attention span than the average person, according to a 2015 study on the effects of electronics on attention spans.
Goldfish can focus for 9 seconds without distraction – but the average human now only 8.
When it comes to healthy food, kids and teenagers have dietary needs different from that of adults. If you are an adult and have kids of your own, you probably would have experienced your kid’s almost endless bursts of energy and an unhealthy craving for sweets and fast foods.
The truth is kids need to eat well, because if they don’t, they will not develop properly and are more likely to be overweight, not forgetting the fact that lack of proper diet weakens their immune system making them more susceptible to various illnesses and cardiovascular diseases.