Parents Too Scared to Let Kids Climb Trees

Almost 10 per cent of parents have never let their child climb a tree, according to a Sydney survey.
Conducted by Wannabees Family Play Town in Frenchs Forest, the survey casts new light on the trend of “bubble-wrapping” children.
Two out of three parents surveyed say children are too “risk averse” these days because they’ve been bubble-wrapped.
However, almost a third admit they “cotton-wool” their own kids!
“It goes to show there’s a big difference between the way we think we should be raising our children, and the way we actually are,” according to Wannabees Ambassador and mother-of-two Tracey Spicer.
Part of the reason is the perception of safety. 64 per cent of parents polled say they believe the world is a more dangerous place than it was when they were kids.
One mother says she won’t let her son ride his bike alone in the street because of predators.
More than 70 per cent of respondents follow the adage that, “It’s better to be safe than sorry”.
Psychologists say keeping children constantly supervised can stifle independence and self-confidence.
However, Manager of Wannabees, Samantha O’Connor, says there is a silver lining: “What I found interesting was that, even though parents are worried, there were still 43 per cent who said their children had climbed a tree within the past week. I believe parents are still wanting their children to learn and explore for themselves, but are wanting to keep a close eye on them as they do it.”
Sam says Wannabees provides an ideal, all-weather environment for kids to improve their gross motor skills. “It’s the perfect place for them to run free and test their boundaries, safety.” Wannabees is a great place to have kids birthday parties.